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By subscribing to 2021 IndOz Conference mailing list, you agree to receiving email communications from them directly in the future. This does not affect nor does it corrupt the contact tracing data provided. In choosing to support this SafeVisit marketing opt-in service, you’ve made a great contribution to this local business #SupportLocal

Your subscription to this marketing list is in no way required to abide by the contact tracing process offered by SafeVisit. Once subscribed to this mailing list, SafeVisit can no longer be held liable for your data protection and any terms & conditions of use are applicable through the business you have checked in with.

If you would like to have your details removed from said marketing list please email 2021 IndOz Conference directly and immediately.

You're awesome!

Thank you for subscribing to 2021 IndOz Conference and supporting this awesome local business!

You’re a legend and we applaud you! 🙌 #SupportLocal


sunshine! What good shall we do today with 2021 IndOz Conference?